
The Echoes of Our Craft

Step into the gallery of sounds that is our Discography page! Here at Big Dog Recordings, every strum, beat, and vocal cord vibration we capture is a testament to both the boundless creativity of our clientele and the technical finesse of our team. Our discography is more than just a collection of albums and singles; it’s a sonic journey through the diverse, dynamic, and distinguished tunes that have echoed through our studio walls.

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Mike Noegraf

Let’s Get In Tune!

Ready to hit the right notes together? Drop us a line in the form  or hit us up directly via email or a good old-fashioned phone call. Our team at Big Dog Recording Studio is all ears and eager to play a part in your audio adventure. Let’s make your sound resound!
Your message has hit the right note and is singing its way to us! We’ll get back to you in a beat. Until then, keep the music playing and the creative vibes flowing. Cheers to making music magic together soon!
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